SnailMoon Wins Award For Lowest Market Cap
The $SNM community is proud that their hard work shilling has paid off.

The annual ShitCoin Awards ceremony took place yesterday, honoring the worst performers in the industry.
SnailMoon emerged as the winner of the "Lowest Market Cap for a Non-Dead Project" award.
Snailtoshi and Brian accepted the award and proceeded to give a 3 hours 20-minute speech on just how the feat was accomplished.
The award gave SnailMoon so much attention that they nearly lost the award during the ceremony after pumping so much. Thankfully, $SNM dumped again before security could take the award away.
The SnailMoon community is reportedly thrilled that all their hard work shilling on Twitter has paid off.
The team is hoping to defend its title next year at the 2024 ShitCoin Awards.
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