SnailMoon to Begin Development of Layer-2 Capable of 1 TPS

Developers chose to ignore the blockchain trilemma and go all in on being slow.

SnailMoon to Begin Development of Layer-2 Capable of 1 TPS

The SnailMoon team today announced the development of a layer 2 network capable of 1 transaction per second.

The team is utilizing zero-knowledge technology, as they don't have a clue what they're doing and it sounds really cool.

The network will use a proof-of-0%-staking consensus mechanism or PO0S, pronounced poos for short.

Validators for the PO0S network will exclusively use computers the team stole from the Centre for Computing History, Nintendo GameBoys (the first one), and Nokia 3310s.

Development is expected to take "some time" according to the team as they have already taken a 5-year hiatus.

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